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  • © Holly Craw and Home-School-Community, 2009. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Holly Craw and Home-School-Community with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Handwriting Without Tears offers homeschoolers relief in teaching manuscript

Homeschool parents seem to have about three key responses to teaching handwriting:

  1. Most written communication will happen by computer, so it is more important to teach keyboarding.  (from a homeschool mom who also runs a mail order company, and asserts that she can’t read most customers’ writing and would rather have the orders typed.)
  2. Each child has a unique style that should be encouraged as part of his self-expression.
  3. Good handwriting is still important and needs to be taught well and encouraged.

Often, it is a difficult subject to teach because it consists of a lot of repetition and drill doing the basic letter forms.  That difficulty may lead to family tension and tears in those students whose work does not match the perfect examples.

Enter Handwriting Without Tears, a manuscript and cursive program that has been designed by occupational therapists who start with proper posture and proper hand and arm training to decrease the muscle strain.  Pencil movements are much more fluid, resulting in quality work that is much more successful for the student’s efforts.

Since the method relies heavily on muscle training and arm movement, it is also popular with students who have physical or mental challenges. 

Handwriting Without Tears (Pre-Print to Print)
Down Syndrome Network is sponsoring Handwriting Without Tears covering pre-print to print.  The objective of the event is to:

Gain a better understanding of a developmental approach to teaching handwriting.

Date:  Nov. 12th from 4:00-9:30 PM.
Location: Treasures for Teachers
      2127 S. Priest Drive, Suite 406
      Tempe, AZ  85282
Cost: $65. and includes a light dinner and $30 worth of materials to use with your child.

You must register right away, seats are limited and materials need to be ordered. 
RSVP:  rsvp@dsnetworkaz.org

You can see the list of speakers and workshops here.

Read more.